General Info (Covid-19 & Sessions)

Corona Virus (Covid-19)

The Corona Virus (Covid-19) is a serious pandemic which is causing rapid changes in how we are able to interact and socialize.  It requires us to make significant changes in our lives. Given the ongoing challenges, we must be prepared to adapt to them as we are called to face them as individuals, communities, and a nation.  Prior to Covid-19, I intended to spend more time developing my website prior to launching to the public. As such, you should be aware that portions of the website are still being development and may be incomplete or not function as intended. It seems, however, more important to launch the unfinished website to serve as a central place to communicate with my clients about mental health services and options for psychotherapy as we move forward and address the challenges results of this pandemic.

Benefits of Traditional Psychotherapy Sessions

Ideally, I believe that most psychotherapy sessions should be face-to-face, in-person, and in the comfort and safety of the clinician’s office. One of the primary reasons is that behavioral observations, non-verbal cues, and physical assessments play an important role in a client’s presentation and my overall clinical assessment.  In addition, the psychotherapist’s office can provide a confidential, private, safe, and secure place to discuss the client’s concerns and mental health challenges. Of course, these are two of the many reasons this represents the ‘ideal’ setting for psychotherapy.

Teletherapy – Psychotherapy in the Modern Era

Sometimes the ideal circumstances are not possible and we must assess the situation, problem solve, and make adjustments. With the advent of the outbreak of CoVid-19, we must consider alternate methods for psychotherapy to occur.  One of the more effective ways to continue therapy is through teletherapy.  At present, Carroll Counseling Center – Severna Park Clinic is closed to the general public; however, I continue to provide psychotherapeutic services via teletherapy sessions while we move through the Corona Virus Pandemic.

For More Information on Teletherapy Sessions During Corona Virus situation (Click Here)